Important Dates

Save the Date! Friday February 21st 6pm-10pm- Parent's Night Out at the Madison Beach Hotel!

The JES PTO Mission: The goals of the Jeffrey PTO are to create a closer relationship between home and School, to enhance the learning environment, to provide and maintain the open network of communication between school and community and to foster parent/guardian involvement in the educational process.
J. Milton Jeffrey PTO
Please follow us on Facebook
On behalf of the Jeffrey Parent Teacher Organization, we would like to warmly welcome all of our new and returning families! With our wonderful Principal and exceptional teachers leading the way, our students have an amazing school year ahead of them as they meet new friends, have new experiences and learn new things. We as the PTO are looking forward to supporting our students and teachers this year by planning a robust calendar of activities and events, providing financial support for supplies (such as recess equipment) and helping to foster our school's strong sense of community and Tiger Pride! The JES PTO hopes that each of you have an amazing school year. Thank you for your continued support and involvement with the JES PTO!
All the best,
Amy, Laura, Melissa, Matthew, Kelly, Michelle, Lauren, Bonnie, Kelly, Amie, Jaime, & Kerri

Here are a few photos from the beach clean up… from what seems like such a beautiful clean beach we still found 1873 pieces of trash (outside of the busy season) in a about 2 hours of trash collection. If you’re ever at the surf club please visit the trash station next to the playground where you can pick up a bucket and pick up trash for just a few minutes you can make a difference! Please remember to dispose of the trash in the dumpsters nearby and return the buckets. Thank you!!


Thank you for coming to the 2nd annual Cultural Fair and to our amazing families for volunteering to share their culture! We could not have done it without you! Please click below to watch the video slideshow!

Happy Veterans Day to all the men and women who served our country!!
At Jeffrey we honored our veterans this year with yard signs in front of the school!
“Our debt to the heroic men and valiant women in the service of our country can never be repaid. They have earned our undying gratitude. America will never forget their sacrifices.” Harry Truman
Please check out the video of the yard signs…
Thank you for joining us for our family BINGO Night! We were able to donate $400 to the Madison Food Pantry!

Shop at Einstein's Attic and earn money for Jeffrey!

Thank you for coming to our "Après Ski" Parent's Night Out and supporting Jeffrey School while building community among the parents!
And thank you to all of our amazing sponsors!! We appreciate you so much!

What a wonderful Science Week!!! Thank you to our amazing teachers, staff, parent volunteers, Mobile Ed STEAM Museum, Claudia Esposito from Cool-ology, and our students for participating in this week! Science is Awesome!

What a wonderful Earth Week!!! Thank you to Curious Creatures, Blue Earth Compost, Hammonasett Beach Clean up and MadforTrees! Thank you also for everyone who came to plant the tree outside Jeffrey!

The students are doing a wonderful job learning how to sort their lunch trash into the compost bin or the garbage can!
Please discuss with your child how you would like them to handle their lunchbox leftovers (zip up their lunch and bring home or put trash into compost).
Blue Earth Compost will give JES PTO $15 for any new subscription for at-home composting services - when you mention “Jeffrey School” in the comments when you place your order online. Also: use code BEC20 for 20% off at-home composting services.
We are so excited to pilot the composting program for Jeffrey School!
Sponsored by the PTO!

In our Community:

General PTO Meeting October 8th from 6:30-7:30pm featuring....
Amanda Russel!!
Are you curious about the world of special needs, and how you can easily make a difference? Come out to meet Autism Advocate Amanda Russell. She will share simple strategies that you can share with your children to help make a difference and encourage inclusion. Amanda is the author and illustrator of Jacob Learns to Fly and Jacob Loves Puddles. Her books help encourage children to connect with their special needs friends. She includes pages in her books for the parents with ideas that help guide parents to open conversations about the world of special needs. Amanda will happily answer your questions after her presentation, and she will have books on hand to purchase, and sign for your children.


We welcomed, "Boogie Chillun," to Jeffrey School! They were incredible!!
This program will took students and faculty on a musical journey through the rich music history of the United States. Meant for any age group, this experience transcends all boundaries, cultures, races, creeds and colors. Each song was given a brief introduction describing the song itself, the artist and its contribution to American Music.
Boogie Chillun had the audiences sing, dance and clap along to this interactive program. The band performed Hymns and Spirituals, songs of freedom, Country, Blues, Jazz, Rock and Soul all the way to Hip-Hop. Boogie Chillun culminated this experience with their own hallmark song.