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Our Jeffrey Kindness Rocks Project
The JES PTO and MAD CT Rocks (Jeffrey's own Tammi Davis) is asking our families to get together and hand paint inspirational, kind, uplifting, colorful rocks to be displayed in our kindness rock garden under the tree near the upper parking lot sidewalk. Leave a rock with a message of kindness and inspiration for everyone to enjoy or take a rock when you need
some kindness and inspiration.
How to create an inspirational kindness rock:
- Rocks should be smooth and no larger than the palm of your hand.
- Painted using acrylic paint and pens (found at Walmart or Michaels).
- Be sure to add #MADCTRocks on the back with a black sharpie.
- When the rock is finished spray it with non-toxic clear sealant to protect it.
- If you have any questions visit MAD CT Rocks on Instagram or Facebook!
Share your creative kindness rock!
Don’t forget to take a pic of your rock and share it on the
Jeffrey PTO Facebook page! Tag #MADCTRocks too!
The Kindness Rocks Project is about
spreading kindness and positivity throughout the world.

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