Jeffrey School Variety Show
Please sign your child up by returning the permission slip below to school in an envelope labeled Jeffrey School PTO–Variety Show or online at https://www.jespto.org NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, April 1!
The cost to participate is $5.00 per child (payable with online registration or by check made out to Jeffrey School PTO).
The show is limited to 25 acts with preference given to those in just one act.
Acts are limited to two minutes each.
This event is for Jeffrey School students only.
For performances involving music, send the edited song (2 minutes max) as an MP3 file via dropbox or email to tina@szwaymarketing.com. Alternatively, you can provide via flash drive in an envelope labeled Jeffrey School PTO Variety Show with your permission slip.
Rehearsal #1 – Jeffrey School Music Room
Kindergarten and Grade 1: Monday, April 13th
Grades 2 and 3: Tuesday, April 14th
Rehearsal runs from school dismissal time through 4:30 p.m. Please understand this time is an estimate. It is impossible to determine what time your child will be completed with his/her rehearsal.
For pick up, please be sure to sign your child out before leaving.
Do not forget to provide a note for your child to stay after school for rehearsal.
Rehearsal #2 – Polson Auditorium
All Grades: Wednesday, April 22 at 4 pm to no later than 5:45 p.m. AT POLSON MIDDLE SCHOOL
Please return the permission slip below with payment and music (if applicable) by Wednesday, April 1.
Feel free to contact Tina Szwejkowski (tina@szwaymarketing.com) with any questions.