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JES Before and After School Workshops Registration

*Session Three Starts the Week of February 10 th *
*Registration Opens at 8pm on Thursday 1/23 and will close on Sunday 1/26 at 8pm*


The JES PTO is excited to share the third session of Before & After School Workshops for the 2024-2025 school year! For

families new to Jeffrey, these are opportunities for students to participate in a variety of extra-curricular activities before

and after school. The fee for each workshop goes towards compensating the instructors, with a percentage going directly back

to the PTO to support Jeffrey School.




• For the 2024-2025 school year, most workshops will run for five weeks (except "Cool-Ology" and "Painting with the Masters"). This a change from previous years and is why the cost per session has increased from last year (where sessions were 4 weeks).


• Sign-ups and payment will only be accepted via the Sign Up Genius link below. Please note that the price is for all 5 sessions.  There is a 5% + .50 per transaction.


• If a workshop fills up that your student would like to enroll in and you would like to put their name on the waitlist, please e-

mail Please do not email the instructor directly, as we will reach out to students in the order the PTO is e-mailed if spots open.


• Please note the dates in Sign Up Genius for the different workshops, as some weeks are skipped/day changed due to a

school holiday. If a session is cancelled due to a teacher absence or other reason, a makeup session will be scheduled.


• If financial assistance is requested, please email Principal Becky Frost ( by Wednesday 9/13 by the end of the day. All inquiries are confidential.



Please reach out to with any questions.

Ninja & Exercise Class

This class is taught by a certified personal trainer from Peak Physical Training in Madison. Kids will practice and apply various skills like: crawling, rolling, jumping, landing and balance training.


On Mondays: 


AM *8:00-8:40*


Open to grades: K - 3

LEGO Workshop


Taught by: Alyssa Constantino


On Mondays: 


​PM *3:45-4:30*


Open to grades: K - 3


Spa-La-La-La Club with MADSwag and Mrs. Frary 

Calling all Yankees Fans! Come learn more about one of the greatest baseball teams in history! Each week we will learn about NY Yankees history and create a craft showing our support for the Bronx Bombers!


On Tuesdays: 


AM * 8:00- 8:45 *


Open to grades: 2-3


Taught by Dr. Deshpande, a US Chess Federation certified Chess Coach! No previous experience required. Chess is a great way to improve problem solving skills & foster creative and critical thinking skills! 


On Wednesdays: 


AM *8:00-8:40*


Open to grades: K-3


Students will bring in their own scrapbooks and photos to create their own scrapbooks! We will create and decorate pages together using photos, stickers, glitter, and more! Such a special memento to keep.


Taught by: Kathryn Topping


On Wednesdays: 


​PM *3:30-4:30*


Open to grades: 1st-3rd



Extraordinary Arts & Crafts with Ordinary Objects 

Taught by Meg Farmer, students will use household items to make fun crafts, like a fish out of a clothespin, a shark out of a paper towel holder, a whale out of an egg carton & more!  ​


On Wednesdays


​PM *3:30-4:30*


Open to grades: K-3

Tennis Club K-3 (Equipment Provided)

Come play tennis with Coach Meg Farmer! No prior experience necessary and tennis racquets will be provided (but feel free to bring your own, too!) Meets


Taught by: Meg Farmer


On Fridays


AM *8:00- 8:45*


Open to grades: K-3


Ceramics & Slime with The Giggling Pig ($110)


Each week students will make ceramics and slime to take home. Taught by Jeffrey parent and owner of the Giggling Pig Art Studio in Guilford, Nikki Towle

Taught by: Nikki Towle of The Giggling Pig


On Fridays


​PM *3:30-4:30*


Open to grades: 1st-3rd 

Jewelry Making Workshop

We will be learning the art of beading. Each class we will make beautiful beaded necklaces, bracelets, or keychains!


On Mondays: â€‹PM *3:45- 4:30 *

Open to grades: K-3

On Mondays: AM * 8:00-8:45 *

​Open to grades: 2-3



Painting with the Masters

Do you love to paint and love art? Have you ever wanted to paint like Picasso, Warhol or Van Gogh? Join Kristen Skonieczny for "Painting Like the Masters!" 


On Wednesdays


PM *3:30-4:30


Open to grades: K-3

Decoupage Fun!

Join me for the crafting technique of decoupage! Decoupage is a craft that involves using glue and cut out tissues and papers to create unique and beautiful projects! Many of the finished products will revolve around the seasons and holidays.


Taught by Jennifer Soja


On Wednesdays: 


AM *8:00-8:40*

PM * 3:45- 4:30 *


Open to grades: K-3



Soccer Skills w/ DHHS Girl’s JV & Freshman Soccer Coach ($80)
*Previous soccer experience required for safety. Soccer 101 for beginners is being offered Thursday mornings!



Taught by: Meg Farmer


On Thursdays


​PM *3:30-4:30*


Open to grades: K-3rd





Soccer 101: An Introduction to Soccer w/ DHHS Girl’s JV & Freshman Soccer Coach ($80)



Taught by: Meg Farmer


On Thursdays


AM *8:00- 8:45*


Open to grades: K-3rd



Jeffrey Newspaper Club

The Jeffrey School Newspaper is a fun way to report on all of the exciting things that are going on at Jeffrey Elementary! The members of the crew conduct interviews, report on important events and field trips, submit comics, games, and more! We are always looking for new and creative ways to get information out to our school community. If you love to write, draw, and be part of a team, sign up for the newspaper club!


Taught by: Erin Chester


On Fridays:


AM *8:00-8:45*


Open to grades: 2nd-3rd



STEM Challenge Workshop



Taught by: Christa Laragy


On Fridays


AM *8:00-8:40*


Open to grades: 2nd-3rd

Seasonal Craft Workshop- Monday Mornings or Monday Afternoons

Join me for a fun seasonal work-shop inspired by the seasons and holidays! We will explore many different types of arts and crafts materials including paint, scissors, pipe cleaners, popsicle sticks, pom-poms, wooden crafts and more! 

Taught by: Jennifer Soja


On Mondays: 


AM *8:00-8:40* 

PM *3:45- 4:30 *


Open to grades: K-3


Board Games 


With Jen Soja:

On Tuesdays 

​​AM * 8:00- 8:45 *


With Tina Edwards

On Wednesdays

PM * 3:45-4:30 *


Open to grades: K - 3

Kickball- Tuesday Mornings

We will have fun and learn the skills needed to play Kickball. We will learn team rules, sportsmanship, throwing and kicking. 


Taught by: Tina Edwards 


On Tuesdays 


AM *8:00-8:40*


Open to grades: K-3

Woodworking Club



Taught by: Alyssa Constantino


On Thursdays


​PM *3:45-4:30*


Open to grades: K-3



Jeffrey Running Club with Erin Chester 

​Students will engage in warm up games, stretches, & running activities such as obstacle courses, relay games, and running paths on the school grounds. 


Taught by: Erin Chester​


On Wednesdays


​PM *3:30-4:30*


Open to grades: 1st-3rd


How To Draw Club

Students will explore drawing techniques to create beautiful artwork! We will learn to draw seasonal and holiday pictures. 


Taught by: Jennifer Soja 


On Thursdays: ​​

AM *8:00- 8:45*

​PM *3:45-4:30*


Open to grades: K-3


Engage in problem solving, creative design & use critical thinking skills focusing on science & engineering. Topics include: Dinos & Fossils rock, calm & gratitude STEAM, Leonardo STEAM challenge and LEGO STEAM Lab. 


Taught by: Claudia Esposito


*Please note the first session will be FRIDAY 2/14 then the following WEDNESDAYS: 2/19, Friday 2/28, Wednesday 3/5*


​PM *3:45-4:30*


Open to grades: 1st-3rd 

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